* Payment method Cash on Delivery (COD) is available only for order shipped to Spain or Portugal. COD has an additional charge of 3€, which will be automatically included in the total shipping cost.

Orders placed to the Canary Islands, will incur in an additional customs tax cost, the IGIC, which will be payed directly by the customer to the shipping company or the customs authorities. For more information please write to

Taxes, customs and other charges are not included in shipping charges already paid in your Purchase Order. The Hip Tee has no control over these policies which vary from country to country. International courier services can provide you with a separate invoice from the customs authorities. Please keep this in mind.

Your order will be delivered between 3 to 10 days after leaving the The Hip Tee warehouse .

For return and/or exchange costs: See Terms of Use.

* For information on shipping costs to territories belonging to European Union states, that are outside Europe, please write to