• SACHA BANCROFT Founder & Director of ninetonine
"Happiness means being surrounded by family and friends, feeling loved."
ollowing completion of her Masters Degree in Modern Languages from Cambridge University, Sacha moved to Spain in 2002 from London, where she married architect Alberto Marcos, with whom she has three young girls. Professionally, she spent her first six years in Spain as Sales Director in marketing company, before fulfilling her dream to set up her own business. Her principal focus is ninetonine furniture & design (www.ninetoninekids.com), which was launched in 2008, and currently sells its contemporary designs in over 15 countries. In addition, she set up the successful English Country House Camp (countryhousecamp.co.uk), an exclusive English summer camp for girls aged 7-11.

I spend a lot of time travelling .

One shopping rule is to go knowing what you are looking for.

I love shopping online at GAP for day-to-day basics!

I like listening to Leonard Cohen.

Jeans are for wearing all day, every day!

Ninetonine inspires you to make and do beautiful & interesting things with children.

I dislike waiting around, people who ‘can’t be bothered’, and spiders.

Heels are for feeling snazzy and sneakers are for running half marathons.

My daughters are truly the most important things in my life.

I secretly admire all women who have gone through childbirth!

You can find me at home, on a plane, or running around the Templo de Debod & Parque del Oeste.

Happiness means being surrounded by family and friends, feeling loved.

I like eating chocolate chip cookies and milkshakes with my daughters.

Candy is for my husband and my daughters. I find it absolutely repulsive. Chocolate any day!